Love your website or get a full refund

If you’re not satisfied within the first 30 days, we’ll give you a full refund.

The fear of commitment

Accent heading

Why trying new services can feel risky.

The perks of our satisfaction guarantee

How our guarantee benefits your peace of mind.

A simple, risk-free web design service

Sign up for our service and enjoy the first 30 days completely risk-free.

If you’re not fully satisfied with your website, simply reach out to us within the 30-day period. We’ll process your refund quickly and without any hassle.

Our ultimate goal is to ensure you’re happy with your website, and we stand by our commitment to your satisfaction.

Smiling Patrick Antinozzi, owner of RapidWebLaunch, in suit against yellow lightning graphic

We've been doing game-changing website satisfaction guarantee for awhile now

How exactly is it game-changing? Just ask these beauts.

Frequently asked questions

And our most frequent answers.

  • How does the 30-day satisfaction guarantee work?

    Try our service for 30 days. If you’re not completely satisfied within that period, you can request a full refund, no questions asked.

  • What do I need to do to get a refund?

    Simply contact us within the first 30 days of service, and we’ll process your refund quickly and without hassle.

  • Does the guarantee apply to all services?

    Yes, our 30-day satisfaction guarantee applies to all services offered during the initial 30-day period.

  • How quickly will I receive my refund?

    Once you request a refund, we process it promptly. You should see the refund in your account within a few business days.

  • Why do you offer a satisfaction guarantee?

    We believe in our services and are confident that you will love them. Our guarantee is a reflection of our commitment to your satisfaction.

  • How do I get started?

    Click “Start Risk-Free” to sign up and experience our service with the peace of mind that comes with our 30-day satisfaction guarantee.