
A furniture retailer in Toronto

With their keen focus on supplying adaptable computer furniture systems, their products are an ideal combination of ergonomic solutions, efficient space utilization, aesthetics, strength and durability.

Portfolio / Paralax

Parallax Canada website on desktops and mobile

About Paralax

A screenshot of the Paralax corporate website.

PARALAX CANADA is dedicated to the supply of the most innovative computer support furniture available. They truly “link” people with technology. At PARALAX CANADA they offer a total solution for multi-media storage, training room desks and LAN or technical furniture.

Their products provide solutions to a variety of environments including:  FLEX, SCALE-UP or TEAL, computer labs, multi-purpose, active learning, general purpose, gaming arenas, testing centres, CAD drafting, Makerspace, stock trading or libraries.

The challenge

They wanted a new website that:

The process

Here’s the process I followed for this project:

The results

How does the client feel about it?