What is an SEO Title?

An SEO title, also known as a title tag, is a critical element in optimizing a webpage for search engines. It’s the title of a webpage that appears in search engine results.

Here’s what makes it essential:

  • Visibility: It’s the first thing users see in search results, acting as a headline that can influence whether they click on a link.
  • Relevance: An effective SEO title should include keywords relevant to the webpage’s content, helping search engines understand the page’s topic.
  • Character Limit: Ideally kept under 60 characters to ensure it’s displayed fully in search results, making it concise yet descriptive.

Think of the SEO title as the name of a book in a vast library. Just as a compelling book title can attract readers, a well-crafted SEO title can draw in web users, guiding them to the information they seek.