How to Unpublish Wix Site?

To unpublish a Wix site, follow these steps:

1. Log in to your Wix account.
2. Go to the Wix Editor by clicking on the “Edit Site” button for the site you want to unpublish.
3. In the top right corner, click on the “Publish” button.
4. A drop-down menu will appear. Click on the “Unpublish” option.
5. A confirmation message will pop up asking if you are sure you want to unpublish your site. Click on the “Unpublish” button to confirm.
6. Your Wix site is now unpublished and will no longer be accessible to the public.

Please note that unpublishing your site does not delete it. You can republish it at any time by following the same steps and selecting the “Publish” option instead.