What is Metadata in SEO?

Metadata in SEO refers to information that describes the content of a webpage. It’s not directly visible on the webpage itself but is part of the HTML code. Think of it as a behind-the-scenes summary that search engines use to understand your page’s content.

Here’s why it matters in SEO:

  • Title Tag & Meta Description: These are the most crucial pieces of metadata. The title tag defines the title of your page, which appears as the clickable headline in search results. The meta description provides a brief summary of the web page. These elements influence whether users decide to click on your page in search results.
  • Improves Visibility & Click-Through Rate (CTR): Well-crafted metadata can make your site more visible in search results and entice users to click on your link, potentially improving your site’s traffic.
  • Helps Search Engines: Metadata provides search engines with concise info about the topic of your page, helping it rank for relevant queries.

In essence, metadata acts as your webpage’s elevator pitch to both search engines and potential visitors, playing a key role in SEO strategy by impacting how your pages are displayed and perceived in search results.