How to Add Fonts to Wix?

To add fonts to your Wix website, follow these steps:

1. Log in to your Wix account and go to your website editor.

Edit Site button on website's management toolbar


2. Click on the “+” button on the left-hand side of the editor.

Wix website editor interface with 'Add Elements' menu open.


3. Select “Text” from the menu that appears. Then, choose the type of text you want to add to your Wix site.

WIX editor showing text element options for website design.


4. In the settings that appear when the text box is clicked, click “Edit Text,” then click on the “Fonts” dropdown menu.

Website editing interface, changing font to Avenir.


5. Click the “Upload Fonts” option at the bottom of the font list.

Website font selection interface with upload option.


6. Click the “Upload Fonts” button again, then open your font file. Alternatively, you can locate your font file and then drag and drop it to the Wix editor.

Font upload interface with file selection window.


7. A green check icon will appear once the font is uploaded. Click “Done” to add it to the font style options.

Font management interface with completed upload, "Done" button highlighted.


8. Navigate to the “Fonts” dropdown menu again. Then, under “My Fonts,” choose the font style you uploaded.

Screenshot of a website editor interface, text settings menu.


9. You can customize the font size, style, and other settings in the text settings panel.

Web design interface showing text editing options.


Remember to save your changes and publish your website for the new font to appear live.