What are categories in Wordpress?

WordPress dashboard showing categories section for posts.


Categories in WordPress are like the index of a book.

They help you organize your blog posts into different sections or topics, making it easier for your readers to find the content they’re interested in.

Here’s a quick rundown:

  • Purpose: Categories group related posts together. If your blog covers multiple topics, categories keep everything neatly organized.
  • Hierarchy: You can set up categories and subcategories, creating a structured, easy-to-navigate system. For example, a food blog might have categories like “Recipes,” “Restaurant Reviews,” and “Cooking Tips,” with subcategories like “Vegan,” “Italian Cuisine,” etc., under “Recipes.”
  • Usage: When creating or editing a post, you can select one or more categories for it to belong to. This helps users to find all the posts related to a specific subject in one click.
  • SEO benefits: Organizing posts into categories can also help improve your site’s SEO performance, making it more likely for your posts to be found by search engines.

Think of categories as the big chapters of your content, guiding your readers to exactly what they want to read about on your website.