How to Add a Podcast to Wix Website?

To add a podcast to your Wix website, follow these steps:

1. Log in to your Wix account and go to your website editor.
2. Click on the “Add+” button on the left-hand side of the editor.
3. Select “More” from the dropdown menu and then choose “Embeds.”
4. In the Embeds section, click on “Embed a Podcast.”
5. A dialog box will appear where you can enter the URL or embed code for your podcast. If you have a podcast hosting platform, you can usually find the embed code in the settings or sharing options.
6. Paste the URL or embed code into the dialog box and click “Apply.”
7. The podcast player will now be added to your Wix website. You can customize its appearance and position by clicking on it and using the options in the top toolbar.
8. Once you are satisfied with the placement and customization, click “Publish” to make the changes live on your website.

That’s it! Your podcast should now be successfully added to your Wix website for your visitors to enjoy.