How to Edit Wix Site on Phone?

To edit a Wix site on your phone, you can follow these steps:

1. Download the Wix mobile app: Start by downloading the Wix mobile app from the App Store (for iOS) or Google Play Store (for Android).

Mobile app screens for Wix Website Builder.


2. Log in to your Wix account: Open the app and log in to your Wix account using your email and password. You can also choose to log in using Google and Facebook.

Wix login screen with Google and Facebook options.


3. Access your site: Once logged in, click the dropdown arrow on the app’s top part beside the currently selected site. You will see a list of your websites. Select the site you want to edit.

Website dashboard interface showing analytics and site setup.


4. Navigate to the Editor: After selecting your site, you will be taken to the mobile editor. You can see your site’s analytics, collaborators, and other statistics here. You can also set up built-in and additional features such as point of sale, invoices, and forms.

Website analytics dashboard displaying zero activity.


5. Edit your site: Click the additional settings button at the top-right of the app, then click “Edit Site.” You can add or remove sections, edit text, change themes, and more. The mobile editor is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive.

Wix website builder interface on tablet and smartphone.


6. Preview and publish: After making your desired changes, preview your site to see how it looks on mobile devices. Once satisfied, click the Publish button to make your changes live.

Mobile screenshot of a social profile editor.


Note: While the Wix mobile app provides a convenient way to edit your site on the go, it may not offer the same level of functionality as the desktop editor. For more advanced editing options, it is recommended to use a computer or laptop.