How to add social media icons to Wordpress?

Adding social media icons to your WordPress site is a straightforward process.

Here’s a simple, step-by-step guide:

Use a Plugin

  1. Choose a Plugin: Many WordPress plugins are available for social media icons, such as “Social Icons Widget by WPZoom” or “Simple Social Icons”.
  2. Install and Activate the Plugin: Go to your WordPress Dashboard, navigate to Plugins > Add New, search for your chosen plugin, then click “Install” and “Activate”.
  3. Configure the Plugin Settings: Once activated, you’ll find the settings under Appearance > Widgets or in the plugin’s own settings page. Here, you can select which social media icons you want to display and customize their appearance.
  4. Add to Your Site: Drag the widget to your desired sidebar or footer area, input your social media profile URLs, and adjust any other settings.

Use Your Theme’s Built-in Social Media Options

  • Check Theme Settings: Many WordPress themes come with built-in options for social media icons. Look in your theme’s options or customize section.
  • Input Social Media Profiles: If available, simply input your social media profile URLs in the designated fields.
  • Customize as Needed: Adjust the size, color, and position of the icons as per your theme’s capabilities.

Manually Add Icons Using HTML/CSS

  • Get Social Media Icons: Download icons or use a service like Font Awesome for social icons.
  • Add HTML and CSS Code: Use WordPress’s Custom HTML widget or edit your theme’s files to include the icons. This approach requires knowledge of HTML/CSS.


  • Placement Matters: Consider where your audience is most likely to engage with social media icons, like the footer or top of your sidebar.
  • Keep It Consistent: Make sure the style and size of the icons match your website’s design for a professional look.

Choose the method that best suits your skill level and the features of your WordPress site.