How to Add FedEx to Shopify?

To add FedEx as a shipping option on your Shopify store, you can follow these steps:

1. Log in to your Shopify admin panel.
2. Go to the “Settings” tab and select “Shipping and delivery” from the dropdown menu.
3. Under the “Shipping zones” section, click on the zone where you want to offer FedEx as a shipping option.
4. In the “Shipping methods” section, click on the “Add rate” button.
5. In the “Add shipping rate” dialog box, select “Carrier calculated rates” from the “Rate provider” dropdown menu.
6. Choose “FedEx” from the list of available carriers.
7. Enter the necessary details such as the FedEx account number, packaging type, and any additional charges or handling fees.
8. Save the changes and test the shipping option to ensure it is working correctly.

Once you have completed these steps, FedEx will be added as a shipping option for your customers during the checkout process on your Shopify store.