What is structured data in SEO?

Structured data in SEO refers to a standardized format for providing information about a page and classifying the page content.

It’s a code in a specific format, written in such a way that search engines understand. This code tells search engines what your content is about — whether it’s a product, a review, an article, or a person. The most common format is JSON-LD.


  • Enhances visibility: It can lead to rich snippets in search results, making your page stand out.
  • Improves understanding: Helps search engines understand the content of your website better, potentially boosting your SEO performance.
  • Increases click-through rates: Features like ratings and prices can be shown directly in search results, making it more likely users will click on your site.

How it Works

When you add structured data to a webpage, you’re essentially labeling parts of the content so search engines can categorize it. For instance, if you run a recipe site, structured data can label ingredients, cooking time, and calories.


1. Use a tool like Google’s Structured Data Markup Helper.

Google's Structured Data Markup Helper interface.


2. Choose the type of content on your page that fits structured data types (e.g., articles, products).

Google Structured Data Markup Helper interface.


3. Enter your webpage’s URL or HTML code, then click “Start Tagging”.

Google Structured Data Markup Helper interface.


4. Enter the tag data by highlighting it on your website and then clicking on what data it corresponds to. Do this for all the webpage information you want to add to the structured data.

Screenshot of SEO tagging tool interface


5. After adding your webpage’s tag data, click “CREATE HTML” at the top-right corner of the page.

Screenshot of Google Structured Data tool with 'Gallery' label.


6. A JSON-LD markup containing all the tag data you entered in Step 4 will be shown.

Screenshot of webpage with Gallery and JSON-LD markup.


7. Add the generated code to your webpage’s HTML.

HTML code showcasing JavaScript function and JSON-LD script.


8. Test your structured data using Google’s Rich Results Test to ensure it’s correctly implemented.

SEO tool testing website for rich results.


Implementing structured data is a powerful way to communicate with search engines and improve how your pages are represented in search results.