How hard is Wordpress to learn?

Learning WordPress can vary in difficulty, but it’s generally considered user-friendly, especially for beginners.

Here’s a simple breakdown:

  • Basics: Easy. Setting up a site, choosing themes, and creating posts/pages are straightforward. WordPress is designed with a non-technical audience in mind, so these initial steps are quite accessible.
  • Intermediate Tasks: Moderate. Delving into custom themes, plugins, and minor customization requires a bit more learning. There are plenty of tutorials and forums that can guide you through this phase.
  • Advanced Use: Challenging. This involves deep customization, coding, and using advanced plugins. It’s more complex and typically appeals to those with web development experience or intense dedication to learning.

In summary, WordPress caters to all skill levels.

The basic functions are easy for most users, with the potential to learn more complex aspects over time. Plus, the vast WordPress community is always there to help.