How to Cancel Wix Subscription?

To cancel your Wix subscription, follow these steps:

1. Log in to your Wix account.
2. Click on your username in the top right corner and select “Subscriptions” from the drop-down menu.
3. In the Subscriptions section, you will see a list of your active subscriptions. Find the subscription you want to cancel and click on “Manage Subscription” next to it.
4. On the subscription management page, scroll down and click on the “Cancel Subscription” link.
5. Wix will then ask you to confirm the cancellation. Read the information provided and click on the “Cancel Now” button to proceed.
6. You may be asked to provide a reason for canceling your subscription. Select the appropriate option and click on “Continue.”
7. Finally, you will receive a confirmation message stating that your subscription has been canceled.

It’s important to note that canceling your subscription will stop any future payments, but it will not provide a refund for any unused portion of your current subscription.