What is Wordpress?

WordPress is an open-source content management system (CMS), which means it’s a tool that helps you build and manage a website without needing to code everything from scratch.

WordPress website builder interface with diverse templates displayed.

  • Popularity & Use: It’s the world’s most popular CMS, powering everything from personal blogs to complex websites of major corporations. Users love it for its flexibility and ease of use.

Key Features

  • Ease of Use: You can add content, images, and more with a simple interface.
  • Themes: Choose from thousands of designs to style your site.
  • Plugins: Extend functionality with add-ons for SEO, security, e-commerce, and more.
  • Community Support: A large community provides help, tutorials, and advice.

In summary, WordPress allows anyone, regardless of technical skill, to create and manage a website easily.