How to Add Background Music on Wix?

To add background music on Wix, follow these steps:

1. Log in to your Wix account and go to the Wix Editor.Edit Site button on website's management toolbar


2. Click on the “+” button on the left-hand side of the editor.

Wix website editor interface with 'Add Elements' menu open.


3. Select “Video & Music” from the menu that appears. Click “Audio Players”, then drag and drop your desired layout of the audio player to the Editor.

Website interface showing audio player options.


4. A music player will be added to your page. Click on the “Settings” button to open the settings panel.

Audio player interface with settings and track upload options.


5. Choose whether to upload your music or enter the URL of the track.

Audio player settings interface with options.


6. If you choose to upload your own music, click on the “Upload Track” button. This will open a modal window that lets you select the music you want to add to the player. To upload from your computer, click “Upload Media.”

Audio player interface for uploading and managing tracks.


7. Once the music is uploaded, you can customize the player’s image and track details using the options in the settings panel.

Audio player settings with choose image option.


8. You can also enable loop playback or let the music play only once.

Music track details form with playback options.


9. Additionally, you can customize the design and layout of the music player by clicking the “Layout” and “Design” buttons.

Screenshot of audio player customization settings.


10. You can then preview your website to see how the background music plays on your page.

Website header with preview and publish buttons.


11. Remember to publish your website so that the changes take effect and visitors can hear the background music.

Website editor interface with "Publish" button highlighted.


That’s it! You have successfully added background music to your Wix website.