How to change the favicon in Wordpress?

Changing your favicon in WordPress is a simple process that enhances your site’s branding.

Here’s how:

1. Log into your WordPress Dashboard: Access it by adding /wp-admin to your website’s URL.

WordPress login screen with email input highlighted.


2. Navigate to Appearance: On the left-hand menu, click on “Appearance,” then select “Customize.” This will take you to the WordPress Customizer.

WordPress dashboard highlighting Customize under Appearance.


3. Access Site Identity: Within the Customizer, find and click on “Site Identity.” Here, you’ll see options to change your site title, tagline, and favicon (referred to as Site Icon).

Website customization menu highlighting Site Identity.


4. Upload Your Favicon: Click on the “Select Site Icon” option. You’ll then be prompted to upload an image from your computer or select one from your media library. Your favicon should ideally be a 512 x 512 pixels square image for the best result.

WordPress site icon settings with 'Change image' button highlighted.


5. Crop and Publish: After uploading, you might need to crop the image. Once done, click “Crop Image.” Finish by clicking the “Publish” button at the top of the Customizer to save your changes.

Website customization interface with logo placeholder.


Now, your website will display your new favicon in browser tabs, bookmarks, and mobile home screen icons.