How to Connect Zendrop to Shopify?

To connect Zendrop to Shopify, you can follow these steps:

1. Login to your Shopify Account. Then in your Shopify admin dashboard, click on “Add apps” under Apps section.

Shopify dashboard setup guide with add product prompt


2. A modal containing the most common apps installed in Shopify will appear. Find Zendrop and click “Install”. Alternatively, you can click “Shopify App Store” at the bottom of the modal to search for Zendrop if it can’t be found there.

Shopify App Store screenshot with various app recommendations.


3. Shopify will show what actions Zendrop can do in the store and the data it can access after it’s installed. Review the information provided, then click “Install.”

App installation permissions page for Zendrop.


4. Once the app is installed, you will be redirected to Zendrop with your account partially registered using the same email you use in Shopify. Just create your password to complete your registration and choose your preferred contact method.

Account setup page with signup form fields.


5. Set up your Zendrop settings: After connecting your accounts, you will need to configure your Zendrop settings, such as your payment methods. You can customize these settings based on your business needs.

Screenshot of an online billing page interface.


6. Import products from Zendrop: Once your settings are configured, you can start importing products from Zendrop to your Shopify store by clicking “My Products”. Then click “Find Products” to browse through the available products on Zendrop and select the ones you want to sell. The app will automatically sync the product details, images, and inventory to your Shopify store.

E-commerce dashboard interface highlighting My Products section.


7. Manage orders and fulfillment: When a customer places an order on your Shopify store, the order details will be sent to Zendrop for fulfillment. You can track the order status and manage the fulfillment process through the “Orders” Tab. Once the order is shipped, the tracking information will be updated in your Shopify store.

E-commerce platform order management screen, empty orders tab.


By following these steps, you can seamlessly connect Zendrop to Shopify and start selling products from Zendrop on your Shopify store.