What is Keyword Density in SEO?

Keyword density is a measure used in SEO that reflects how often a specific keyword or phrase appears in a piece of content, compared to the total number of words it contains. It’s expressed as a percentage.


The idea behind keyword density is to help search engines determine the relevance of your content to specific search queries. It’s a balance; too little may make it hard for search engines to understand what your content is about, and too much could be seen as “keyword stuffing,” which can negatively impact your website’s ranking.

How to Calculate

Keyword Density = (Number of times a keyword appears / Total words in the text) * 100

Ideal Range

While there’s no one-size-fits-all percentage, a general guideline is between 1% and 2%. This means if your article has 1000 words, your keyword should appear about 10 to 20 times.

Remember, modern SEO strategies prioritize well-crafted, user-friendly content over mechanical keyword usage.

So, while keyword density is good to keep in mind, your main focus should be on creating valuable content for your readers.